Rain on the Windowpane

How often have I lain beneath rain on a strange roof,
thinking of home. -William Faulkner

Tomorrow I set out
on a train to Paris.

At last the road leads me,
alone, to a city of lights,
a mere myth to my mind now:
something romantique.

I haven’t so much as heard
from a raindrop
for two months,

and here I am: it’s late,
it’s raining in the faraway
here-and-now, and I guess
I’ll just see you around then.

The Wedding at Caerphilly Castle

With an open heart and eyes, I try
to step across this crazy world:
my soul yearning to drink
from this great fountain
of human life,

trying to graze among and amid
other hearts: a momentary
touch, a single chat, a day
or even a week spent together,
learning and yearning together.
I step

Across the vastness
with eyes and heart too open,
afraid of the piercing light
and the darkness all the same,
yet yearning and stepping
with such ferocious yearning,
towards those sweetest waters.

The 8th of July

Boom boom hurrah,
it’s the 8th of July
in Lauzun, France!

which means fireworks,
the grill, lights, music,
and dancing in the sun
and in the night;

global style, banging out Gangnam
style, they welcomed me home,
a stranger in a small town.

A small green town,
celebrating today into tomorrow
on a midsummer night
throws one hell of a party.

And I can’t help but wonder:
why don’t Americans also
make one big circle
and dance together
as one big circle?

All ages together:
altogether communing
on a warm summer night.